Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Never ask a girl's measurements

So, I'm a little bit of a worrier.  It took me a while to figure out formatting the eBook version of 'Show Me the End of the World' because, well, I could never convince myself that I was doing it correctly.  Eventually, of course, it worked out and the book seems to read well enough on my Kindle Touch.

(I can't thank enough the makers of Calibre, though, whose application helped me immensely when some of Amazon's tools were frustrating the bejebus out of me.)

Formatting the paperback version was somehow even worse.  And, stupidly, it took me far too long to realize this was simply because I had set up the margins in an absurdly incorrect manner.  There was farrrrr too much space on the top and bottom of each page.  After a couple of other tweaks, I found that I had nearly halved my page count simply by adjusting the margins, which just makes the dang thing look much better.  After a couple other tweaks, I got the page count down a little bit more, added a small dedication and my 'About the Author' description.

All in all, I'm much happier with how this is turning out.  Putting together this book has been a fascinating, albeit frustrating, project.

Current Soundtrack:
'Libertad' - Velvet Revolver

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